Homebuyers Report

Homebuyers Report
The RICS HomeBuyer Report is a user friendly report designed to an easily readable, standardised format comprising logical sections which will provide clear recommendations to the client. The HomeBuyer Report is essentially a comfort survey, although not as detailed as a Building Survey it aims to reassure the client on various aspects relevant to the exterior structure, interior and services, highlighting areas of concern by its ‘traffic light’ condition rating system. Furthermore, advice is included regarding potential legal issues, guidance on value and a range of appendices provide additional relevant information. The HomeBuyer Report is typically recommended for reasonably modern, conventional homes (houses, flats and bungalows) in apparently reasonable condition.
The main objectives when undertaking a Homebuyer Report are:
- To enable the buyer to make reasoned and informed judgment on whether or not to proceed with their purchase.
- To guide the buyer if the property is deemed to be a reasonable purchase at the agreed price.
- To identify areas of concern which should be investigated appropriately prior to legal commitment to purchase.
- To comment on particular features that impact present value and may affect future salability.
The report provides:
- Comment on the general condition of the property including;
- Urgent repairs
- Significant matters requiring further investigation
- Significant but not urgent repair and renewal
- Areas of concern which could be tackled as part of routine maintenance.
- Comment on many particular points which should be referred to your legal advisers.
- Comment upon other relevant considerations concerning matters such as safety, the locality, environmental factors and the insurance reinstatement cost.
A HomeBuyer Report may uncover a structural problem or defect with a property that would otherwise go unnoticed until you have moved in, so make sure that you obtain our advice to prevent any unwanted, and costly, surprises.