Building Surveys

Building Surveys
Building Surveys are the most comprehensive survey service available, providing a detailed opinion of the construction and condition of a property. All accessible structural elements will be examined and commented upon in the report, suggesting the origin of any identified defects and recommendations on how they could be rectified. A Building Survey is appropriate for all residential and commercial property, although the in depth nature typically lends itself to older, unusual property which may have been significantly altered in the past or which you may intend to convert yourself. Unlike the HomeBuyer Report there is no standarised format, allowing the report to be tailored to the individual requirements of client and property. In comparison to a HomeBuyer Report, a Building Survey will include extensive technical information regarding the construction and specific elements such as dampness, timber defects and structural movement. A typical Building Survey will not contain an opinion of value or insurance reinstatement cost, although this can be included at additional cost.
The Surveyors main duties when undertaking a Building Survey are:
- To assess the construction and condition of the property
- To provide technical advice on problems and remedial works
The report provides:
- A detailed description of the structure and main components
- Details of all defects found and solutions
- Details of suspected defects with advice for investigation and repair
- Identification of aspects which should be referred to your legal advisers
- Comment upon other relevant considerations concerning matters such as safety, the locality, environmental factors and the insurance reinstatement cost.
A Building Survey may uncover a structural problem or defect with a property that would otherwise go unnoticed until you have moved in, so make sure that you obtain our advice to prevent any unwanted, and costly, surprise